ServiceNow Guide for Beginners – Kickstart Your Journey

Diving into ServiceNow feels like stepping into a realm of clarity and intuition; a brief exploration reveals a world where efficiency meets innovation.

Wondering where to begin with development, administration, or simply eager to explore?

The secret lies in securing your own PDI (personal developer instance), unlocking the magic within.

If you’re pondering the “how,” prepare to embark on a discovery that’s just a few clicks away.

Ready to unravel the mystery?

Let’s dive in and transform curiosity into creation.

We’ll look at the following areas:

  1. Signing up on ServiceNow
  2. Obtaining a ServiceNow PDI (Personal Developer Instance)
  3. Navigating ServiceNow Instance
    1. Components of ServiceNow
    2. Lists
    3. Filters
    4. Forms
    5. Sections
    7. Annotations
  4. Personalizing ServiceNow Interface
    1. Changing Themes
    2. Creating Favorite Tables, Forms, Lists, etc
    3. Saving Filters
  5. Discovering ServiceNow’s Hidden Gems – Tips and Tricks
  6. FAQs

1. Signing up on ServiceNow:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Sign up and Start Building” as shown below
  3. Add your details and click “Sign Up”
  4. An email will be sent for a link to activate the account. Follow the instructions in the email to activate the account
  5. Once successfully activated, you can then login.

2. Obtaining a ServiceNow PDI (Personal Developer Instance):

Next, we dive into the heart of adventure— securing your very own Personal Developer Instance (PDI).  Think of it as finding your magic wand in the world of ServiceNow.  It’s not just about clicking ‘Request Instance’; it’s about choosing your path with the latest release, your portal to innovation.  Once claimed, your username, password, and instance link become the keys to your kingdom.  This step isn’t just procedural; it’s the beginning of your creation saga.  Ready to unlock the magic?

  1. Once signed up, login to
  2. Click the Request Instance button on the header.
  3. Choose the Release of ServiceNow. (Note: Unless necessary, use the most recent release for leveraging the latest features)
  4. Once your instance is ready, you will receive the username, password and the instance link to access your PDI.
  5. To open an instance from the Developer Site later, sign in to the Developer Site, open the Account menu, and click the Start Building button.

3. Navigating ServiceNow Instance

As we sail further into the ServiceNow adventure, we navigate the vastness of its interface.  This is where your journey truly begins.  From the commanding view of the banner to the depths of the content frame, each click is a step into new territories.  Here, lists and forms are not mere features; they are your map and compass, guiding you through the digital landscapes.  With each element you encounter, from filters to views, you’re not just using a platform; you’re mastering an ecosystem.  Ready to chart the uncharted? 

  1. Components of ServiceNow: The ServiceNow user interface has two components
    1. Banner
      1. The banner spans the top of every page. It contains a logo, navigation menus, the title of the page in the content frame, global search, help, notifications, and a user menu.
      2. Use the banner’s navigation menus to access applications and modules (pages). Use the Filter field to quickly locate applications or modules. In the training modules, System Applications > Studio means to open the All menu to locate the System Applications application, and open the Studio module in the content frame by clicking on it.
      3. Click a navigation menu’s Pin icon to keep the menu open on the side of the screen.
    2. Content Frame
      1. The content frame displays content pages when users select modules from the navigation menus. The pages in the content frame render data in many ways. The most basic page types are lists and forms.
  2. Lists: A list is a content page displaying zero or more records from the same table. Rows and columns organize the list. Each row is a record and each column is a field from the record. Lists are:
    1. Searchable: Enter a value in the Search field
    2. Sortable: Click the column label
    3. Editable (if permissions allow): Double-click a field value
  3. Filters: Filters determine which table records are displayed in a list. When a developer creates a list module, the filter conditions are set. In the example, only records with the Active field value of true appear in the list. The syntax All > Active = true is known as a breadcrumb.
    • Click the Filter icon ( ) in the list header.
    • Set the [Field], [Comparison operator], and [Value] values.
    • Use the AND button or the OR button to add additional conditions to the filter as required.
    • Click the Run button to apply the filter to the list. Only records meeting the filter condition appear in the list and the breadcrumbs are updated.

    • To remove a condition from the breadcrumbs, click Remove next condition (>) to the left of the condition to be removed.
  4. Forms: A form is a content page displaying fields and values for a single record from a database table. Forms have a 1-column layout, a 2-column layout, or a mix of both. Forms are opened from modules in the All menu or by clicking a record’s number in a list.
  5. Sections: Forms may contain Sections. Sections are logical groupings of fields. By default, sections are rendered as tabs at the bottom of a form. The use of sections prevents users from having to scroll through long forms. Using a script, sections can be hidden when they are not needed.
  6. Views: Forms can have multiple views. A view is an alternate layout for presentation of a record’s data. Different user profiles use different views to see data from the same record. ServiceNow has a special view called the Self Service view. Self Service users do not require a ServiceNow license in order to see a record’s form. The view name appears on a form’s header. If there is no view name in the form header, the view is the Default view

    • Open the Additional actions menu () and select the View menu item.
    • Select a view.
  7. Annotations: Some forms have annotations. Annotations are additional information on a form intended to provide on-screen instruction to users. Annotations have dark text on a colored background. Individual users can toggle annotations on and off.

4. Personalizing ServiceNow Interface

Embark on a quest to make ServiceNow truly yours. This part of the journey is all about personalization, where changing themes, marking favorites, and customizing filters isn’t just tweaking settings; it’s about shaping ServiceNow to reflect your unique style and workflow. As you choose themes that resonate with your aesthetic and pin your most treasured tools and views, you’re not just configuring; you’re creating a home within the digital expanse. Ready to mold ServiceNow into your personalized command center?

  1. Changing Themes : The User menu includes user-related controls. All users can view their Profile and Preferences and Log out. The controls are restricted based on user role. The admin user sees all of the controls, such as the ability to impersonate another user or elevate roles. Here are the steps to modify the personal theme for ServiceNow:
    • Click on the “Preferences” option from the ServiceNow user menu
    • Click on “Theme” under “System Settings”
    • Select the theme of your choice, and it will be implemented immediately on the current ServiceNow instance
  2. Creating Favorite Tables, Forms, Lists, etc:
    • Click on the hamburger of the record, list, report, etc. that needs to be marked as a favorite, and select the option of “Create Favorite”
    • Click on More and Select Name, color, and icon of choice and click “Done”
    • The item will be available in the “Favorites” tab for easy access
  3. Saving Filters: Users with access to a list view can search different result sets based on the filter query. ServiceNow allows users to save query filters with the additional ability to share with other users in the system.Here are the steps to save a filter in the ServiceNow list view:
    • Click on the “Show/hide Filter” icon
    • Add required filter conditions to build the desired query
    • Click the “Save..” button available next to the “Run” button
    • Provide the name of the filter and select sharing option i.e. Me/Everyone/Group and click on “Save”
    • The filter will be available under the “Filter” option for easy access

5.Discovering ServiceNow’s Hidden Gems – Tips and Tricks

In this exhilarating segment of your journey, you’ll delve into the arcane secrets of ServiceNow, uncovering tricks and tips that transform routine tasks into feats of efficiency and brilliance.

Whether it’s mastering the art of updating multiple records with a single spell or navigating through your digital domain with shortcuts, this chapter reveals the mystical powers at your fingertips.

Ready to unlock the full potential of ServiceNow and reveal the hidden gems waiting to be discovered?

  1. Open a hyperlink in a new tab: <CTRL> + <CLICK LINK> on any link.
  2. Update multiple records: ServiceNow provides the ability to update multiple records in one go. This ServiceNow feature is very effective when similar updates are required for different records at the same time. Here is how multiple records can be updated simultaneously:
    • Select the records to be updated from the list view
    • Right-click on the column headers and select the “Update Selected” option from the column context menu
    • Provide all values that must be updated and click “Update”
    • All the selected records will be updated
  3. Chrome Extension: SN Utils – Tools for ServiceNow
    • Add this extension to your chrome browser from here.
  4. Instance Version Check: Identify which version of servicenow you are using : In the filter navigator type (Shortcut for System Diagnostics > Stats)

6. ServiceNow FAQs

  1. How do I start learning ServiceNow from scratch?
    Start with the Developer Portal to access a personal instance, follow official learning plans, and engage with the ServiceNow community for insights and resources.
  2. What are the basics of ServiceNow?
    Understand the platform’s interface, including the banner and content frame, and familiarize yourself with creating, managing, and updating records and forms.
  3. Is ServiceNow easy to learn?
    Yes, with a structured approach and utilization of available learning resources, mastering ServiceNow is attainable.
  4. Is ServiceNow free to learn?
    Yes, ServiceNow offers a Developer Program with access to a personal developer instance, making it free to learn the basics.
  5. What are the skills required to learn ServiceNow?
    Basic IT knowledge, understanding of cloud computing concepts, and familiarity with JavaScript can be beneficial.


  • Visakha Dhanuka

    Hello, I'm Visakha Dhanuka, a ServiceNow enthusiast boasting five years in the tech industry, with three of those years intensely focused on ServiceNow. Holding three mainline certifications (CSA, CAD, and CIS-ITSM), my goal through this blog is to impart valuable ServiceNow knowledge and insights, catering to both beginners and experienced professionals in the field.

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